07 November 2009

We Visited the W.R.

Andrew's 10 year high school reunion was in September so we headed up for that. I seem to have not actually taken any pictures of the weekend, which probably has something to with me getting horribly sick and spending all of Friday night throwing up ham (which is HORRIBLE because it still tastes like ham). Needless to say I am now boycotting ham until at least Christmas when the lure of ham gravy may be too much for me.

Someone took this picture of Andrew and his high school BFF Jay at some point.


I did manage to snap these pics with my blackberry.



I feel like the Oktoberfest theme really shines through in them.


Behind Andrew you can see the delicious food spread. O_o

I'm not exactly sure where our $70 went, but it certainly wasn't spent on decorations, food or that awesome Miller 64 they served (which I couldn't drink b/c I was still feeling sick).

1 comment:

H Bomb said...

You better be ready for ham at Christmas...I already have the x-mas eve and x-mas day menu planned and ham with ham gravy is on it specifically for you poopface!