We hit up the museum with my Dad. Neither boy had gotten enough sleep so they were both crabby. Carter ended up freaking out about all the things that were being killed (the infamous T-Rex eating the Triceratops, the Native Americans hunting the buffalo, all the dead animals on display) and we didn't even view the last floor of the museum. I was disappointed to see that the Egypt exhibit is gone, but did enjoy running through my favorite part, The Streets of Old Milwaukee/European Village (and I do literally mean run) even if I didn't actually get to see much. I'd live in there if I could.

We hung out at the house.

Picked pumpkins from the garden (placed kindly by Dad as the deer had eaten the ones Jeanne grew). Heather took enough pictures of me picking pumpkins with Carter to make a flip book with us moving, but I'll spare you and only share one.

She did manage to squeeze this lovely shot in though.

I can do it!

Okay, maybe I can't.

Oh look, here's another one. It's like developing a roll of film and finding half of it is self portraits of Andrew.

Carter actually got to drive the other lawn tractor this time. He did pretty good with it, pulling the trailer around the yard and then carrying Dad and Oz up to the top of the hill where Dad was brave enough to run the log splitter with both boys and no other adults (a trip I may not have approved had I known that's what they were going to do).
We hit the woods. It's nice to go back there in the fall when the danger of ticks is over. Have I mentioned my fear of ticks? I'm afraid of ticks. No thank you, I'll skip them.
In a bet for lunch, Heather climbed a tree to sit in the tree stand. It was more hilarious than this video lets on.

Farmers don't like to throw things away. They stick old equipment out in a field and save it as it will probably have a purpose again some day. My dad subscribes to this mentality and you can find all manner of interesting things at his house. On this particular day, some of the things he'd saved proved their use in making me nearly pee my pants.

Hobo Heather sleeping on a bunkbed surround by burrs.

Getting a little exercise in. (I seriously could NOT keep a straight face)

Out on the links.

We ended up finding a family of mice living in an old golf bag. Carter got to touch this one and then when we shook out the bag another four came scampering out. I didn't know mice jumped when they ran, but they do. And one almost jumped right up Heather's pant leg which was FUCKING HILARIOUS. Seriously. Hilarious.

On our way home we hit the Vilas Zoo in Madison with Heather and my BFF Meghan and her three kids.

Sera rock climbing.

Oz going down the big slide by himself.

It would have been extra cute if we could have gotten Carter up there, but he refused, but Noah and Xander look cute.
After the zoo (yes, those were all at the zoo. The children were unimpressed with the animals, but did love the play area) we went out for Thai food, yum! Then I stopped at Meghan's new house in Oregon and headed home.
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