Saturday down came an old oak tree. It had been dead for quite some time...I missed the actual fall as I was inside with a sleeping baby, but I hear it was quite spectacular.

Andrew learned how to use a chainsaw, although I didn't get any pictures of that. He was hungry afterwords.


Sunday was Family Day at P&H. It was pretty cool to see, as I haven't been there in years and only had the fuzziest memory. P&H holds a lot of family history. My paternal grandpa, my maternal grandpa my dad and my uncle have all worked there. My paternal grandpa actually had the heart attack that killed him while at work, and Dad pointed out the spot where he fell to me. I never met my grandpa so it was very surreal and emotional to see the spot where, in essence, he died.
We also visited Dad's work station, where he left a message for Oz and Carter.

25 years ago there was a picture taken of me and Mom next to a crawler. Hey Dad, you should scan the picture so I can post it here!

For reference, a D6 could fit inside this dipper.

The ride home, chocolate faced.

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