Halloween festivities started on Monday when Carter, Oz and I went to a Trunk or Treat with the AP group. The kids trick or treated from trunk to trunk and ran around and played.

For Halloween costumes, Carter was planning on being Woody, but after doing a little shopping at Halloween stores he changed his mind and wanted to be "scary bones". I decided he was too little to be scary bones and he reconsidered and was willing to be "happy bones" which is how he ended up with the skeleton costume. I wasn't fond of the idea and tried to convince him to be any number of other cute things, but at least I was able to salvage some cute by making him the fuzzy set out of fleece.
Oz is a piece of sushi. I made his white pants and sweatshirt out of fleece. The pillow is out of salmon colored quilting cotton and the nori is left over fabric from an apron I made for Heather several Halloweens ago.
They got to wear their costumes again on Wednesday for the Montessori School Halloween Carnival.
During the week I worked furiously to sew my costume.

I also finished up Andrew's. The result was this:

Andrew is, obviously, Willy Wonka, ala Gene Wilder. I made the coat, bow tie and vest for him.
My costume is a reproduction of the dress Epperson made for the movie challenge during this season of Project Runway. The original looks like this:

Saturday we carved pumpkins.

And took the boys trick or treating.

Oz insisted on holding a piece of candy in his hands at all times, but was a good sport and said 'Thank you' and 'Bye' at each house. He also stole two pieces of candy at many of the houses.
Carter managed to complain almost the entire time. It's my fault as I had forgotten to bring water for him, so starting about halfway down our block he started complaining about it and continued to for the duration. He also complained about how tired he was and kicked Oz out of the stroller after awhile. (this from the child who can complete a 3 mile hike in hilly terrain without difficulty).

The haul. M&M's were the most popular thing this year.
Andrew and I went out again on Saturday night. Details of the adult debauchery can be read in Andrew's blog.
I also let Carter watch The Nightmare Before Christmas for the first time. He loved it to pieces so we enjoyed watching that together a few times since I think it's an awesome movie too.
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