To make up for my poor mind reading skills I did a little decorating. He had requested a purple cake (purple is his favorite color) so that's what he got.

Don't worry, it's still dot cake with dot frosting, we just colored it purple.

I also made him a birthday banner and had all his presents wrapped and out when he woke up. He seems to be satisfied with that. At school he got to be first for everything because it was his birthday. We had chinese stirfry for dinner, made with pork tenderloin (Carter prefers good cuts of meat, lol).

Carter got some lovely gifts. Patti and Tom sent him some reusable dry erase workbooks, Urgrossmutter sent him money and Auntie Meghan sent him a book of mazes. He got his very own digital camera from Oma and us and I made him a knight costume. He received a sweatshirt with skulls on it and a remote control car from Parry and Suzanne. He seemed to be thrilled with all of them.

After a long day of waiting, finally the purple cake!!

And, our knight (or 'armor' as Carter calls them) Sir Carter:

1 comment:
you did an awesome job on his armor suit!
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