Carter is going to school three days a week. We had a rough transition in the beginning. He was very sad the first few days. I heard reasons like "I don't want to go to school cause I just love you" ....wait, did I post this on the other blog? Livejournal is down right now so I can't check. Oh well, you'll just have to listen to it again. Anyways, school is going great now. He really likes playing there and he's doing all sorts of arts and crafts project that lazy mommy never does with him. While Carter is at school Oz and I are running errands, sleeping or trying to clean up the house. Mostly we're sleeping though.
I'm not finding nearly enough time to craft. I'm doing a fundraiser for the AP group in November which means I need to make quite a bit of stuff before then. I have some stock built up, but nothing that I really want to have there so that means I really need to get on sewing. I've also had a few people ask me to knit for them so I really need to get my shit together. What I really need is a day to myself. I wonder if I can find someone to watch the kids for me one day. Maybe I can kick Andrew out of the house on Sunday.
We had allergy testing done on Carter. He kept getting this gross rash on his face which we determined (through amazing memory recall I my part) to likely be watermelon. I met with the allergist to see if this made him susceptible for other allergies and to confirm this allergy. We did the skin prick test and had no re
Oz is growing, growing, growing. He's weighing in at over 18 pounds already and he's outgrown his carrier car seat. He's rolling over (and using it to roll around the room) and moving backwards (and constantly getting stuck under furniture). He's bringing toys up to his mouth to play with them (well suck on them) and he's just a big ball of smiles. The past five months have just flown by.
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