22 October 2008

Auntie Heather Visits

Heather's visit was wonderful. I'm so glad she was able to come down. I wish she had chosen to move here because we'd really love to have her all the time, but for some odd reason Peoria wasn't appealing to her so we'll have to settle for visits.

Carter is enamored with her. All he wanted to do was play with her and be close to her. We were able to do a few fun things in the time she was here; AP meeting , corn maze and apples, breastfeeding support group, shopping and a few games of Hoopla.

I really hope she's able to come visit again soon, but I have a sinking feeling that it's going to be a few months before we see her again :(

In the autumn every leaf becomes a flower

09 October 2008

More Wisconsin Visits

Oz with Uncle Rob and Emily

Playing with his big kid cousins, Jack and Nicklas

With Grandma Suzanne

He likes to be in his underwear.

We visited Oshkosh and Appleton in September to celebrate Patti's retirement from the awfulness that is working. Patti is Andrew's aunt and I actually think she like working so I may be projecting some of my own feelings here. Either way, it was a lovely weekend. We stayed in Oshkosh with Auntie Heather and got to spend a great day with Patti and Tom at the Appleton Children's Museum (of which I seam to have no pictures of even though I'm pretty sure I took pictures). Her retirement party was nice (the food was awesome!) and it was nice to see the Lawson side of the family. Carter loved playing with his big kid cousins and, of course, he loved Tom.

Tis the Season

It's only a few short months until Christmas and if you're as awesome as me you've started your shopping already (I'm actually almost done. So does that mean I found some really awesome stuff early on or you're all just getting random shit I found?). If you're looking to buy the boys clothes, Carter is wearing 3T in both shirts and pants. We can always use jeans, but have plenty of windpants for now. Plain white or basic colored long sleeve shirts are always useful too. We only have one piece of Packer's gear and one piece of Badgers gear so both would be appreciated. Oz is wearing 9-12 month shirts and 12 month or 12-18 month pants. He's mostly wearing knit wool pants this winter so shirts are best. He is also in need of sleepers ASAP! So if you've got money just sitting around goading you to spend it, head on out to the store and get him a few in size 12 months. He'll appreciate having some that fit.

03 October 2008

I should be sleeping, but instead I'm updating

It's hard to say what's going on here. I haven't really had any desire to update. Things are busy, busy, busy for me. The AP group is taking a lot of my time right now. I love it, but many things are going undone. The house seems to be a disaster all the time (could this be because I live with three men who feel no need to pick up after themselves?) no matter how often I pick it up. I've been having quite a bit of trouble sleeping. You'd think with that extra time I'd be getting all sorts of stuff done, but I mostly waste the time watching reruns of Stargate and playing spider solitare. High score is currently 1201.

Carter is going to school three days a week. We had a rough transition in the beginning. He was very sad the first few days. I heard reasons like "I don't want to go to school cause I just love you" ....wait, did I post this on the other blog? Livejournal is down right now so I can't check. Oh well, you'll just have to listen to it again. Anyways, school is going great now. He really likes playing there and he's doing all sorts of arts and crafts project that lazy mommy never does with him. While Carter is at school Oz and I are running errands, sleeping or trying to clean up the house. Mostly we're sleeping though.

I'm not finding nearly enough time to craft. I'm doing a fundraiser for the AP group in November which means I need to make quite a bit of stuff before then. I have some stock built up, but nothing that I really want to have there so that means I really need to get on sewing. I've also had a few people ask me to knit for them so I really need to get my shit together. What I really need is a day to myself. I wonder if I can find someone to watch the kids for me one day. Maybe I can kick Andrew out of the house on Sunday.

We had allergy testing done on Carter. He kept getting this gross rash on his face which we determined (through amazing memory recall I my part) to likely be watermelon. I met with the allergist to see if this made him susceptible for other allergies and to confirm this allergy. We did the skin prick test and had no reaction so we did the patch test. He had little bits of cantelope and watermelon, along with a number of other common skin allergens, placed on his back and covered with tape. 48 hours later we took them off. Melon allergy is confirmed. He's also allergic to black rubber and a few weirdo chemicals. These are contact dermititis allergies so he's not going to get asthma symptoms from them, but he will get a rash. We also realized that he gets a rash from bananas. So I guess we're avoiding those things from now on.

Oz is growing, growing, growing. He's weighing in at over 18 pounds already and he's outgrown his carrier car seat. He's rolling over (and using it to roll around the room) and moving backwards (and constantly getting stuck under furniture). He's bringing toys up to his mouth to play with them (well suck on them) and he's just a big ball of smiles. The past five months have just flown by.


k1 p1

Some evenings progress in a way that actually allows time for me to knit. Well time to knit before 11pm that is. It looks peaceful and idyllic, but really, it's hard to knit with a baby on your lap.

a series in black and white

They sleep.

Just chillin' in my jeans with my fat belly.

Little boys like fancy underpants. And messes.

Yes, those would be man boobs.

A Walk in the Woods

Actually managed to get one picture with Carter in the same frame as Oz and I. Nearly a miracle.
Clearly I should not be allowed out of the house without makeup. Even if it is just to walk in the woods.